Couch to Active

Win a copy of Couch to Active

I was really excited to receive a review copy of Lyn Lindbergh’ book Couch to Active. I desperately want to exercise and get fitter but am struggling to live an active life. My hope was that this book would inspire me and help me find solutions that would work for me.

Cover of Couch to Active

Who is Lyn Lindbergh?

Despite her sporty appearance, Lyn hasn’t always been fit, so she understands the struggles of her target audience. She also understands the challenges that people with pre-existing health conditions face. Lyn has fibromyalgia and a lung condition and is honest about the challenges that these conditions pose. In Couch to Active, Lyn shares real stories of people with a range of conditions, including joint replacements, hernias, gastro-bypass, depression, quadriplegic, and rheumatoid arthritis.

What makes Couch to Active different?

Couch to Active takes a completely different approach to exercise from most other texts that I’ve read. It is not a book that details specific exercises you can do to get fit. Instead, it aims to help individuals become regular exercisers.

The book is a workbook. It lays out an achievable 8-week plan. The beauty of it is that there are various assignments for each week, so if it feels like too much for someone, it is flexible. You can spend more than a week on an assignment if that’s what works for you. It also has a series of copiable worksheets at the back of the book, so that you can continue to draw on it to plan your life for the next couple of years (and beyond!) Fortunately,  doesn’t take a ‘no pain, no gain’ approach, it helps you to figure out what you enjoy doing and how you can fit it into your life.

I have to admit that I’m not a great fan of self-help books. I’ve read some dire ones in the past that just didn’t strike a chord with me. Instead, this book has sensible advice and questions to guide you to appropriate decisions. Reading Couch to Active feels like having a cuppa with a good friend! I’ve read the book but am still working through it. I’m hoping that by Christmas all of my plans will have fallen into place.

How have other people reacted to this book?

I’ve read some other reviews of this book and they’re overwhelmingly positive. It appeals to people who don’t know how to get started with exercise. It also appeals to those who don’t want to go to a gym or sports club which can be intimidating as they’re full of fit people! Couch to Active gives people a path to becoming fit.

Refreshingly, this book is body positive. It is not about being ‘bikini body ready’ or losing weight; its focus is on living a life you love. I particularly like Lyn’s motto:

"No more exercise you hate!"

How can I get hold of a copy of this book?

You can buy it or win it. If you’d like to buy a copy of this book, have a look on or

Rear cover of Couch to Active.

If this is a book that your book club would enjoy, have a look at Couch to Active Bookclubs to see the bulk discounts that are available. I think that reaidng this with a bookclub would be fantastic as you would have a ready-made support group to work through it with you.

Fit Approach and Couch to Active book giveaway

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2 Responses

  1. This sounds like a very useful book, I am trying to lose weight and get fit, it can all seem rather overwhelming knowing quite where to start, there is so much information out there telling you different ways to achieve your goals, but this is a bit more of a down to earth approach

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