Operation fit and healthy: “Try and enjoy it if possible!”

Liz holding her certificate at the end of the Southsea Pier to Pier swim in 2013

One of the changes that I’ve introduce to my blog this year is the inclusion of some interviews and guest blog posts. My latest guest is the brilliant Liz from http://operationfitandhealthy.blogspot.co.uk/

Operation fit and healthy

Liz has an incredibly positive outlook on life and manages to make the most arduous training session sound like a hilarious party. When I first mentioned to her about the possibility of writing a guest post, she responded with: “I must try to write something other than brilliant fun or great fun or even great great fun when talking about my training!”

• Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’ve lived and worked in Southampton for over 20 years, was a bookseller for 10 years at Dillons and October Books before joining No Limits back in 2001 as a volunteer and now nearly 13 years later I’m still there!


If you’ve never heard of No Limits before, please check out their website. No Limits is an amazing charity which offers free and confidential information, advice, counselling, support and advocacy for children and young people under 26 who live in Southampton and Hampshire (my local area). When I was a teacher, I regularly referred my pupils to this great charity.

• What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?

You know what, I have no idea to be honest! [It’s not a surprise to anyone who knows Liz, but I was surprised to discover that Liz is a ‘Cheesehead’… despite being terribly English, Liz just loves American football and is a huge supporter of the Green Bay Packers].

• How would you summarise what your blog is about?

An encouragement tool for myself to keep going!

• When and why did you start blogging? Are you still blogging for the same reasons?

I wanted to lose weight and get healthy so signed up for the Great South Run (10 miles) in 2011 – in May 2011 realised my training had so far consisted of eating chocolate and drinking red wine. I’d read somewhere that you’re more likely to succeed in your goals if you enlist the support of friends/family so thought a blog would be a very public way for me to get that support.

• Which three blogs/bloggers have had the most influence on you and why? Are there any particular bloggers that you look to for inspiration?

I find blogs very inspiring – I’m currently following you (Tamsyn) and the Vegan Food Quest – the blog of a good friend who’s upped sticks with her fella and moved to se.asia for awhile.

Vegan Food Quest

• How would someone describe your blogging style?


• Which of your blog posts has generated the most discussion and why?

The post after a big event – so the day after the Great South Run was very popular.

• What tips would you give to anyone thinking about starting to blog?

Just do it – it’s a great record of your achievements. Also set up your email so you can email new posts directly to your blog

• Who do you think the main audience is for your blog? Are you writing with any specific person in mind?

Friends and family to keep them updated with how I’m doing. Also I like the fact that friends/family have seen such a huge change in my fitness and body shape in a relatively short space of time and are now getting more active themselves.

Liz cycling

• How do you decide what is ‘blogworthy’?

Anything to do with my training or events.

• What do you find most challenging about blogging?

To remember to blog consistently!

• What are you doing when you aren’t blogging?

Pottering about my flat, watching TV, training, working and drinking tea.

• What challenges/races/events have you got lined up for 2014?

Excited for 2014 – Brighton Half Marathon 16/2/14, then the Portsmouth duathlon series (one race in March, April & May) sprint triathlons – 1/6 in leatherhead and 29/6 in Eastleigh. Weymouth standard tri in July and the Weymouth half ironman in Sept. Plus any aquathlons, other duathlons, any 10k’s I quite fancy and of course as much running for LRR as I can. I especially enjoyed the RR10’s last year that I did.

• What skill do you hope to master over the next year?

Get much better at swimming

Liz swim

• What is something you would like to ask the next featured blogger?

Do you try and blog every day or just when you remember?

• What is your favourite gadget and why?

I do like a stopwatch so I can see how long I’ve been out.

• What’s the furthest from home you’ve travelled for a sporting event?

About 80 miles for the Ashtead 10k but it is where I grew up so able to combine with visiting friends/family.

Liz modelling an Ashstead 10k tshirt
Liz modelling an Ashstead 10k tshirt ©Liz Carter

• Do you listen to music when training? What music motivates you?

I used to listen to music but don’t really anymore – probably because I need decent sports headphones and I managed to drown my mp3 player when it got utterly waterlogged thanks to a huge downpour last year when I had to wring my bag out!

• What’s your favourite food/recipe?


• What is your strategy for dealing with an injury? Have you ever had to put it into practice?

Rest. I have been to physio – it was good, but really hurt – in fact the physio did say to me “Liz – treatment hurts”. I also try and have regular massages and have bought a foam roller, but have only managed 32 seconds so far as it also really hurts!

• Do you have any pre-race rituals or superstitions?

Not really except having to have a pee

• Describe your philosophy for life in a six word sentence…

Try and enjoy it if possible!

• What is the most important advice that you can give to readers?

Just keep going so ultimately it becomes your lifestyle choice

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