Running with a friend – my appearance in Runner’s World

Jez and Tamsyn running on a track together

A while ago, I responded to an online question about who had inspired me to run… little did I know that my comment would lead to an interview and photo shoot with Runner’s World!

My running inspiration, Jez, and I were photographed at Southampton Athletics track and also in front of a screen. I’m good at looking out for photographers when I’m running. Jez is far too much of a proper runner, so I think it all felt a little awkward for him. I particularly like the first picture of us in the magazine, where Jez was asking what he should do!


I’m also amazed that the lovely photographer managed to make us both look like proper runners. Our legs are beautifully in sync!


You can probably just about read our interview here, but if you want to see it properly then you’ll need to buy the November 2016 issue!







8 Responses

  1. Aaah that’s lovely! Ps do you always wear matching shoes and shorts or was that just for the photo shoot??? you look great, running with really good form?

    • My friends think my love of matching kit is really funny. I tried Brooks PureFlow 3 when they had one of their special trial events on, but the local shop told me I could only have them in grey. I spent a bit of time persuading them that I needed to have them in the blue/turquoise colourway as otherwise they wouldn’t match my SOAS kit and in the end they relented and ordered them for me!

      To be honest, I tend to wear my more supportive Brooks Vapors at the moment as my loose tendons and ligaments need all of the support they can get, but I knew I wouldn’t have to run too far for the shoot! 🙂

      • I usually buy matching kit too! I used to worry that it marked me out as ‘not a serious runner’ but hey, who cares anyway! Lol! Fair to say I’ve never really managed matching kit and shoes though!

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