How your star sign determines your swimming ability

close up photo of clownfish

I couldn’t resist sharing this link as it made me laugh so much:

How your star sign determines your swimming ability

It’s a fantastic April Fool (or Poisson d’Avril). I’m a Pisces:

Pisces: 19 Feb – 20 March

The fish. Born to it. Amazing swimmers. Intuitive, instinctive, water is their natural home. If you need help in the water, Pisces are your go-to sign – but so willing are they to help others, they may drown themselves in the process. Oh well. But be warned, other swimmers: pisceans don’t like rejection. If you don’t let them on the swim team … well, you’ve been warned.

If you’ve been reading my blog, then you’ll know that swimming does not come naturally to me, but I guess I am willing to help others and I do LOVE being part of a team. Did you recognise any of your traits in this?

3 Responses

  1. Yeah, saw that, too. For somebody who can supposedly not stick to one sport, the swimming and me have stuck it out together for a long time. But then, I do multiple sports. Maybe the “cheating” keeps me faithful 😉

  2. I didn’t see many April Fools’ jokes this year, so this one stood out… but it’s scary how many things I have seen like this in the past that were meant seriously!

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