My Brighton Run2Music training schedule
I’m really looking forward to Brighton Run2Music. It takes place at the end of May, so it’s quite late in the season for a half marathon. I think that’s fantastic as it gives me longer to prepare for it. I’ve planned my own Brighton Run2Music training schedule.
I’m planning to continue running in my lunch break on Tuesdays and Thursdays (about 5km each time). I also train with Lordshill Road Runners on Mondays and Wednesdays and do parkrun on Saturdays. On Fridays, I’m doing my long runs.
Long runs
I’ve not planned a detailed schedule as I need a lot of flexibility. However, I have noted the distances for my Brighton Run2Music training schedule:
06/03 21km (13 miles)
13/03 16km (10 miles)
20/03 22.5km (14 miles)
27/03 16km (10 miles)
03/04 24km (14.9 miles)
10/04 19.5km (12.1)
17/04 13km (8 miles)
26/04 21.1km (13.1 miles) (Southampton Half Marathon)
01/05 13km (8 miles)
08/05 24km (14.9 miles)
15/05 19.5km (12.1 miles)
22/05 13km (8 miles)
29/05 5km (3.1 miles)
I’ve based the distances on the FIRST training plan. I’ve got the Run Less Run Faster app. Ideally, I would be doing track sessions each week. Instead, I’m going to rely on the LRR Monday night track sessions.
My schedule takes me over half marathon distance three times as I’ll be running without the buggy on race day. That also means that I need to try to fit in some strength work. Another advantage is that it means I’ll also be ready for Southampton Half Marathon.