A fortnight of exercising

After the Reading Half Marathon workshop, I was determined to start my training for this year’s races. I still need to sort out a proper half marathon training schedule, but at least I’m making a move in the right direction.
Three runs in a week
I’ve been out running with Sarah for the past two Wednesdays. We did just over 5km the first week and 6.5km this week. I’m starting to feel a bit more comfortable again, but I definitely need to start doing some speedwork.

I’ve also been out running with Rachel and Felix, then on Saturday I took part in Southampton parkrun, so I ran three times in a week for the first time in a long time.
I found parkrun really challenging, partly because of my fitness levels, but also because it was so busy. M was in her buggy, so it was really hard for us to pass slower runners. I started off with Inez who was doing her 100th parkrun, but I couldn’t run alongside her, so I slowed down a bit. Then Linda and her baby caught up with me, so we had a lovely chatty run. There are a lot of stressful things going on for me at the moment, so I’m really enjoying the chance to clear my head either by running on my own or by chatting to friends whilst running. I also loved seeing Tuba Libres at parkrun, there to celebrate Laura’s 250th parkrun.
Swimathon training
Of course, the other big challenge that I’m training for is Swimathon. I’m so excited to be an ambassador again this year – check out my profile. Last week I swam with Stuart on Monday. My arms were aching in the first few hundred metres, but I kept going and managed 1000m. I would have swum more, but I didn’t have enough time. Then this week, I swam on Tuesday and did 1200m. I’m determined to keep building up my strength, speed and distance until I’m back to comfortably doing 2km in an hour… by which stage I should be ready to start my proper training programme.

Balancing my life
I’ve been cycling to work (as usual), but I don’t have any cycling challenges at the moment, which is probably just as well as I’m still getting to grips with balancing work, training and family life.
I’ve also been doing a lot of gardening as it’s finally a bit drier. I spent 2.5 hours raking my garden two weeks ago and last week I spent another 2.5 hours raking. I would have continued with the theme, but there’s no room left in my garden waste bin and it’s wet and cold here. Hopefully, I’ll manage to do some more gardening next week.
Have you got a detailed training schedule for this year?
Good luck with the work/family /training combo! The running buggy should be a big help- does it help the baby sleep at all?
Yes, M usually sleeps when she’s in the running buggy, which is a relief 🙂
Well done on getting back to it. I have races planned for the year and no training plans whatsoever! I’ve had some revolting large for a couple of weeks and now feel well enough to start up again – just don’t know where to start. Maybe I should just get out the front door and do something.. Good luck with your training!
There have been some nasty bugs around already this year – hopefully, you’ll be OK to get back into training. What’s your first event?