Monday Morning Motivation – London to Holyhead 1964

Finish of London to Holyhead race

53 years ago, people were getting up to incredible feats. This short documentary shows the longest unpaced single day classic cycling race. It took place in 1964 (not 1962 as the caption says). The incredible cyclists pedalled all of the way from London to Holyhead!

Finish of London to Holyhead race

Does that inspire you to get out on your bike for a ride this week?

2018 Running Awards

Thank you to everyone who’s voted for Fat Girl to Ironman so far – there’s still time to cast your vote in The 2018 Running Awards.

Nominated for The 2018 Running Awards. Please vote for me.

5 Responses

  1. I wasn’t quite ready for that jaunty music so early in the morning! God bless ’em, but having been in Holyhead many times, I wouldn’t have been in a hurry to get there 😉

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