Does listening to music make you run faster? New study has the answer. 

Three women running on the beach whilst listening to music

I’ve been reading a number of articles about running with music. The verdict is interesting:

Does Music Help You Run Faster? A Look at the Scientific Research.

I’ve never run with music (and it’s not allowed in most races), but I’m tempted to sort out a parkrun playlist and give it a go one week.

Further reading about running with music:

Does music help you to run faster? by Adharanand Finn

running with music - headphones on the ground

Do you run with music? What would be on your running playlist?

2 Responses

  1. Interesting read. Funnily, I used to run with music but since the Yoga took over (and I like my mellow music with my Yoga practice) I prefer running without to be able to hear and feel my breath more, to not be distracted from how I feel during the run etc. I just like being aware of things now and music may take away from that. Having said that, back in the days the right tune would propel me forward.

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