Turbo training at home

Coach Ant had set me an hour of turbo training (indoor cycling). There was a reasonably long warm up and a long cooldown. The midsection was an attempt to work out what my 20km TT pace might be. I spent a long time creating a playlist to help me get in the mood for the race. I managed to get in a very unattractive selfie whilst cooling down!

A lot of my clothes are in the wash, so I wore my Decathlon bib shorts and a ‘new’ Silvini top. I like the look of the bib shorts, but the chamois is like a nappy (diaper). I don’t find them very comfortable. The ‘new’ cycling top is one that I bought last year, but have never worn before. I definitely think I need to lose a few pounds before I wear it out of the house. As it’s mainly white it helped to keep me cool.
Whilst I was turbo training, someone arrived to collect a portable TV, DVD player and Freeview box that I had put on freecycle. Stu answered the door to him. He seemed surprised to see me on my bike, but I didn’t want to stop. I later found out that the poor guy had arrived on his bike. He had to cycle home with an old-style TV under his arm!