Getting back on track
I’ve been pretty slack about blogging (and my diet) recently. This is because I’ve been busy doing a lot of other stuff, including spending hours trying to work out a training schedule. Here is my plan on Google drive:
I was told to add in some rest. The plan isn’t perfect yet, but I’ve managed to squeeze in a few rest days. I’ve received some fantastic advice about how to tweak it, so need to put that into action asap. I’ve also signed up for Training Peaks as everyone seems to be talking about it, but I’ve not had enough time to explore it yet… and am not sure whether I can afford to invest my time/money in this way.
Unfortunately, my diet has totally fallen apart. That’s something I hope to remedy this weekend. I keep hoping that I’ll find the time to plan what I’m eating. I need to get myself back on the straight and narrow. If anyone can recommend a vegetarian diet that will help me to lose weight, please share it. It needs to be healthy and suitable for my level of exercise. Unfortunately, a lot of what I see online is American. This means that some of the ingredients are hard for me to get hold of.
I’ve also got the first two days of my Coach in Running Fitness course this weekend to look forward to. I’m quite excited. However, it also means that I won’t have much time to get on top of laundry, sleep and my blog.
I’m also still trying to find time to read the copy of Barefoot Runner magazine that I have had open in my browser for a couple of weeks.
I’d better go as I’m missing out on sleep!!!