So excited about this week

Neon sign that says Breathe

I have decided that I need to blog little and often to keep on top of things, and am trying to start that way today. Hopefully, this will also generate more discussion around my blog posts.


The first challenge that I had today was whether to go to the Post Office before work. I ‘accidentally’ ordered a wetsuit on Friday and Wiggle must have sent it immediately as Royal Mail tried to deliver at 10.30am on Saturday morning, when I was still enjoying some post-parkrun socialising. I’ve had to look at the ‘sorry we missed you’ slip for a couple of days and am desperate to lay my hands on my new toy… However, the weather was foul this morning and I had to reattach my panniers to my bike before swimming, so I thought I’d better leave it until this evening. My other concern is that it is described as coming in a large box – how large? Will it fit in my panniers?

Eventually, I decided that I had better go straight to the pool and spend some time thinking about when to collect it. My rational side says to drive to the Post Office on the way to training, whilst my impetuous side tells me to cycle there on the way home… Knowing full well that I’ll want to try it on as soon as I get in. (I’m hoping that the fact I’ll look like a big fat seal in it will encourage me to keep up the healthy eating!!!)

Swimming break through

Swimming this morning was great. The pool was relatively quiet, with only two other swimmers in ‘my’ half of the pool. One day, I’ll graduate to lane swimming, but at the moment, I can’t swim fast enough or straight enough, and I need to take breaks too often!

Today’s break through was freestyle breathing. I had been puffing out air to a count in my head (that matched my arms), but I spent the session trying to exhale continuously until my head came out if the water. It was then easier to breathe in, but I think I was swimming more slowly. Unfortunately, I can’t check on my progress as the pool clock still isn’t working.

Has anyone got any tips for improving my breathing whilst swimming?

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